WCL not only guarantees professional container transport, but also helps you take care of fully comprehensive goods transport insurance. This is not only recommended, but essential, and not only for overseas transports. It protects the value of your goods and merchandise in the event of damage or loss. Insurance cover for container transports also ensures protection against consequential damage to goods and financial losses.
We generally recommend continuous insurance covering the land route to the port of departure and from the port of receipt to the final destination. Cover for used goods and merchandise is often associated with limited cover, whereas cover for new goods and merchandise can be secured through all-risk insurance cover.
We will be happy to inform you of the costs on request.
Depending on the risk, certain insurance criteria can be excluded. For example, the following parameters are used to assess the insurance risk and costs:
We are always available to advise and assist you for quotation requests of any kind of insurance cover for container transports. The flat premium rate depends on the individual risk. For regular shipping or air freight, general policies can therefore be significantly more cost-effective on an ongoing basis.
Transport insurance for your air freight generally covers all goods and merchandise being transported. Transport by air is the fastest and easiest solution, and not only for very urgent deliveries. Unfortunately, serious damage can also occur to your goods and merchandise during air transportation. For this reason, you should never forgo high-quality transport insurance.
Although the air carrier is generally liable for any kind of damage, partial or total loss of the transported goods and merchandise, it is often very difficult to determine the responsible party. Transport insurance secures the value of all transported goods and merchandise in the event of an incident. In most cases, the insurance cover is “door to door”, which means that not only the air route is insured, but also the pre-carriage and onward carriage.
Comprehensive cover for air cargo generally covers the total loss. In this case, it does not matter whether the airline itself is at fault for the damage or loss. This means that you will receive full compensation up to the maximum liability limit. However, if the airline is not at fault, no compensation can be paid.
We will be happy to inform you of the costs on request.
We will be happy to send you an individual quotation for air freight transports including transport insurance for air freight.
Transport insurance for sea freight protects you against financial risks that may arise during seaborne transport. On a ship, your goods and merchandise are exposed to various risks, which even include losing the entire cargo. The ship may sink due to weather or other environmental influences or fall victim to piracy. Transport insurance covers risks of this kind and many other risks.
When we speak of marine cargo insurance, we often mean marine insurance with comprehensive cover. It also covers the settlement of damages caused, for example, by moisture or vermin during shipment. The stranding cover is a transport insurance with limited cover. It is also known as accident cover. With this policy, insurance cover is provided exclusively for accidental events, including loading and unloading damage.
Transport insurance for used goods and goods in the area of sea freight, such as motorbikes, cars or mobile homes, for example, is regularly limited to “accident cover” only. In most cases, this coverage is also completely sufficient. However, in order to provide you with the ideal insurance cover beyond this, we can increase the sum insured of the transport insurance with appropriate extensions. If required, we can also provide you with an tailored quotation for transport insurance including pre-carriage and on-carriage.
We will be happy to inform you of the costs on request.
We will be happy to send you an individual quotation for sea freight transports including transport insurance for sea freight.
Managing Director
WCL – Your international shipping agency for Portugal and Spain. We offer the perfect alternative to the truck with our ROAD to SEA program.
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40789 Monheim am Rhein
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